The Eternal Light Bouquet Copy

The Eternal Light Bouquet Copy


The Eternal Light Bouquet is an exquisite arrangement that will bring a luminous beauty to life's most precious moments. An exquisite glass cross is surrounded by white roses,  Peruvian Lilies, Oriental Lilies, vibrant Boston fern fronds and lush greens to create a wonderful arrangement ideally suited for a memorial service, baptism, First Communion, christening or wedding.

Substitutions on flower varieties may be necessary depending on season, but the colour and style of the design will be maintained.

Deluxe +$20.00
Premium +$40.00
This product is unavailable.
Flowers bring joy and are a great way to connect in a meaningful way!
"Trust our designers to choose the best combination of flowers available however substitutions will often be necessary. Your support and understanding are very much appreciated. Thank you!"