Valentine's Day

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Red Roses Classic Dozen

Red Roses Classic Dozen

White Roses by the Dozen

White Roses by the Dozen

Pretty Pink Roses by the Dozen

Pretty Pink Roses by the Dozen

Yellow Roses by the Dozen

Yellow Roses by the Dozen


Brilliantly Blue Roses by the Dozen

Brilliantly Blue Roses by the Dozen

Valentine Romance

Valentine Romance

Today's Extra Special Cut Bouquet

Today's Extra Special Cut Bouquet

European Handtied Bouquet

European Handtied Bouquet


Today's Exclusive Cut Bouquet in Vibrant Blooms

Today's Exclusive Cut Bouquet in Vibrant Blooms

Teleflora's Enchanted Hearts

Teleflora's Enchanted Hearts

Teleflora's Blushing Gem

Teleflora's Blushing Gem

Teleflora's Love Prism Bouquet

Teleflora's Love Prism Bouquet


Teleflora's Loving Swirl Bouquet

Teleflora's Loving Swirl Bouquet

Teleflora's Rosy Radiance

Teleflora's Rosy Radiance

Custom Designed Bouquet arranged in a Vase

Custom Designed Bouquet arranged in a Vase

Loving Rose Bouquet

Loving Rose Bouquet


The Bountiful Garden Bouquet

The Bountiful Garden Bouquet

The Stunning Beauty Bouquet

The Stunning Beauty Bouquet

The Blooming Embrace Bouquet

The Blooming Embrace Bouquet

The A Splendid Day Bouquet

The A Splendid Day Bouquet


The Soft Serenade Rose Bouquet

The Soft Serenade Rose Bouquet

The Red Rose Arrangement

The Red Rose Arrangement

The Pink Dream Bouquet

The Pink Dream Bouquet

The Classic Beauty Bouquet

The Classic Beauty Bouquet


The White Rose Bouquet

The White Rose Bouquet

The Sweet Beginnings Bouquet

The Sweet Beginnings Bouquet

The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet

The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet

The Sweet Surprises Bouquet

The Sweet Surprises Bouquet


The Starshine Bouquet

The Starshine Bouquet

The Lavender Rose Bouquet

The Lavender Rose Bouquet

The Pink Rose Bouquet

The Pink Rose Bouquet

The Love In Bloom Bouquet

The Love In Bloom Bouquet


The Sundance Rose Bouquet

The Sundance Rose Bouquet

The Yellow Rose Bouquet

The Yellow Rose Bouquet

The Graceful Grandeur Rose Bouquet

The Graceful Grandeur Rose Bouquet

The True Romance Rose Bouquet

The True Romance Rose Bouquet


Box of Delicious Chocolates

Box of Delicious Chocolates

Full Size Greeting Card

Full Size Greeting Card

Paolo Cupid Heart

Paolo Cupid Heart

Cutie Candy Heart

Cutie Candy Heart


Kinsley Kisses Heart

Kinsley Kisses Heart

Love Bunch Toffee

Love Bunch Toffee

Cutie Red Panda

Cutie Red Panda

Sweetheart Snuggles Chocolate

Sweetheart Snuggles Chocolate


Mewmews Angel

Mewmews Angel

Mewmews Cheddar

Mewmews Cheddar

Ping Panda

Ping Panda

Universal Love Bear

Universal Love Bear


Mylar Balloon

Mylar Balloon

Traditional Brown Teddy Bear

Traditional Brown Teddy Bear

The Tranquil Bouquet

The Tranquil Bouquet

Huggable Plush Bear

Huggable Plush Bear


Valentine's Day Flowers - Woodstock and Oxford County Delivery

Valentine's Day is the most passionate, romantic, heartfelt time of the year. Celebrate your love with exquisite bouquets hand designed by our professional designers. Our small 3rd generation flower shop is home to the love and romance specialists! Whether you are looking for flowers stunningly arranged in a vase or container, or an artfully created cut bouquet ready to be popped in your Valentine's favourite vase we have what you need!

VanWees Mostly Roses has the Valentine's Ideas you are looking for! We have an amazing selection of plush huggable animals, chocolates and of course luscious, long-stemmed roses, available in classic red for passion, perfect pink for desire, pristine white for purity of intent and glorious yellow for pure joy. Our lovingly handcrafted bouquets of Valentine's Day flowers are garden-inspired creations, available in a variety of price points, selecting from our freshest and most stunning flowers such as fluffy hydrangeas, fragrant lilies, long-lasting texturized spider mums, colourful gerbera daisies, delicate alstromeria, and so many other blooms, our experts will design a romantic masterpiece exclusively from you for that special someone.

Serving Oxford County with our own professional delivery driver since 1970, VanWees Mostly Roses looks forward to making this your best Valentine's Day Ever! There's nothing quite so beautiful and romantic, so capable of expressing love and admiration as the gift of flowers! Order your Valentine's Day flowers today and remind your love how lucky you are.